Sitemap - 2023 - Software Design: Tidy First?

Thinkie: 1, 10, 100

Maybe Accumulating Employees is a Core Competency

Thinkie: McDonald's

The Surprise Factory

Tradeoff Booklet: Tradeoff Decisions

Not My Money Any More: Lessons from Poker 4

Thinkie: Parallel Decision

Canon TDD

Goldilocks & The 3 Tradeoffs

Recommending Kent Beck: 2011

December Founders' Call

TDD Isn't Design

Thinkie: Defer Decision

Tradeoff Booklet: Outline

Expanding Myself to Nothing

TDD is Kanban for Code

Thinkie: Force Decision

Tradeoff Booklet 1: Roots

Just Ship, Baby

Tradeoff Booklet

Thinkie: End To End

Taming Complexity with Reversibility

Business Evolution

TDD Outcomes

Thinkie: Compared to What?

Idea: CodeFeed

Pulling Practice, Not Pushing

Thinkie: Tradeoff

"Testing" Structure Changes

Idea: LayoutFeed

TDD Prerequisites

Half in Half

Founder call details

Private Estimates, Public Progress

Founder Call: Book Launch Party!

Idea Portfolio

Customer's Voice

To Design or Not To Design?

Dependency Merging

Why Software Design Matters

Break Dependency

First One, Then Many

Project Buffer First

Book 2 Topics?

Coding in the Debugger



Helping Geeks Feel Safe in the World

Don’t Cross the Beams

Personal Feedback

September 2023 Founders Call

Direct Feedback

Dimensions of Power

Incentives: The Hits

A Career Accounting


Measuring developer productivity? A response to McKinsey 2

Kent Beck: Business

Measuring developer productivity? A response to McKinsey


Founders' Call

Effort/Output/Outcome/Impact, Take 2

Ergodic Development

Reverse Phrase

Design Intuition


Book Editing

Publish Everything (Pretty Much)


Idea To Impact

Thinkies: Introduction

Eventual Business Consistency

Ergodic: Good Thinkie, Awful Name

State of Tidy First?

Emotions: A Code Book

Envy Brings a Lesson

Fresh Work 80/15/5

Accounts & Transactions

Snapshot Testing

Paint Drip People

Code “Smells”?

When Did It Happen? When Did We Find Out?

Invite your friends to read Software Design: Tidy First?

Never Forget

What If You *Are* Going To Need It?

Confusion to Sense to Boundaries to Leverage

Two More Implementation Patterns

Barry "Prof Barry" Dwolatzky, April 29, 1952-May 16, 2023

Abstract vs. Concrete Parameters

Appreciating Your Way to XP

Bet On Growth

More What, Less How

90% of My Skills Are Now Worth $0

Why "Empirical"?

Examples Needed: Reading Order & Cohesion Order

Thinking About Code Review

Why Write "Tidy First?": Personal Coda

Why I Came to Write "Tidy First?"

How I Came To Write "Tidy First?"

Fool Proof Design

Accountability is Not Blame

Boss/Employee is not Exactly a Prisoners' Dilemma

Scaling Extreme Programming: Dependencies

Signaling Cooperation: Employee's Dilemma


Delay Versus Friction

Design Play at Work

Sign-up Versus Assignment

Design Play