At a _different_ software mender session, the facilitator presented a framework that helps him make culture changes stick. My interpretation was to hold BOTH sides at once, looking to replace EITHER-OR (false) dichotomies with BOTH-AND answers to what some would call "Wicked Questions" or "Wicked Problems" (e.g. how to raise kids to be …
At a _different_ software mender session, the facilitator presented a framework that helps him make culture changes stick. My interpretation was to hold BOTH sides at once, looking to replace EITHER-OR (false) dichotomies with BOTH-AND answers to what some would call "Wicked Questions" or "Wicked Problems" (e.g. how to raise kids to be committed to the family and also independent people).
Some software examples were...
* How can we BOTH release more often, and also maintain stability?
* How can we BOTH use new tooling, and also preserve the working infrastructure?
* How can we BOTH let the old build system think it is the source of truth even as new code is kept exclusively in the new system?
At a _different_ software mender session, the facilitator presented a framework that helps him make culture changes stick. My interpretation was to hold BOTH sides at once, looking to replace EITHER-OR (false) dichotomies with BOTH-AND answers to what some would call "Wicked Questions" or "Wicked Problems" (e.g. how to raise kids to be committed to the family and also independent people).
Some software examples were...
* How can we BOTH release more often, and also maintain stability?
* How can we BOTH use new tooling, and also preserve the working infrastructure?
* How can we BOTH let the old build system think it is the source of truth even as new code is kept exclusively in the new system?