If a code base is just a tangled ball of string, where every change is dangerous, my favorite testing strategy is to pick out 1 to 3 essential workflows, and write a very high level UI test for each. This may be hard to set up, but done right, it gives you confidence that the core use case(s) works. For a web app, this might be "create an account, go to the starter page, add a new ______, veiw the _____, do something else to the _____, and make sure we see what the user expects."

These kinds of tests treat the system as a black box, and only rely on things users see. So they tend to be at least somewhat stable.

From there, it's possible to start disentangling one module at a time, as needed to add features. And that module can get some unit tests.

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One can argue that writing good tests will make the production code more structured and with better architecture design - the egg and the chicken problem...

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> Am I comfortable with this change first being executed outside of my direct control when it’s in production?

Someone at Crowdstrike answered "yes" to this question about a month ago, and took down 8 million computers.

I agree with "maybe yes, maybe no" but as an industry we need a lot less "yes" overall.

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I disagree. We should earn a lot more right to confidence, much as aviation has. Okay, not the perfect way example. .

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