It is not so much about splitting as it is about principles like SRP. Somehow SRP will guarantee the small size of design elements and a good design, but splitting without clear criteria does not necessarily imply a good design. Big size elements are "smells", and just splitting without clear criteria is not the final answer for such a smell.

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Splitters are the writers, lumpers are the readers.

Look here - this article does not make sense if you haven’t read the original one, so you need a bigger view, a real story to get it right πŸ‘‰ lumpers

However writing small focused posts is a right way to do it as well πŸ‘‰ splitters

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I can't agree more really. I always have icky code to start. This is partly because I need the motivation by having something actually "work", then I'm energized and can proceed to make it right.

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