I love this new way of looking at code and developing the urge to want to tidy it. Cohesion and Coupling are amazing concepts to ponder about and apply to coding, but I think it requires more practice. I am starting to see how tidying are about human relationships, because I feel that other developers seem to appreciate my tidyings. Will continue on this path and keep coming back to this page, to learn about a new tidying example, as they come. Thanks for this perspective, Kent!

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Hi Kent!

How are you doing? I hope things aren't bad and you will get back on writing track in no time :)

Looking forward to new posts!

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Hi Kent, slightly related, but this reminds me of 4) in https://waiyancan.com/summary-the-creative-habit-by-twyla-tharp/

Once diet has ended, you’ll be hungry as never 😉

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You will be fine:-) Sorry for stealing this thread to ask an irrelevant question. In your TDD by Example book, the Chapter name "The Root of All Evil" means "premature optimization" instead of "duplication," right? Or is it something else?

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Premature optimization, correct. Which I just screwed up last week, so yeah that's still a thing.

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Thanks for the answer. I'm training myself to get dopamine from getting things done in the simplest way instead of the "smart" way. So I should expect it's hard:-)

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Surely having trouble writing is the hallmark of the serious author?

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