I'd like to hear more about the Magic Circle. It feels like something Kent has written about before (in the past 2 years) but I don't recall.

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I may have mentioned something similar in passing, when talking about the weekly cycle. Monday we pick up the mantle of us. Friday we lay it down.

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I'd like to put some additional ideas/dept into these metaphors if I may.

1. In the real world, there has to be a range of environments between/besides desert and forest. Maybe a glade, small wood, farmland, dare I say "orchard"?

2. Forests don't thrive without mushrooms. Mushrooms and trees have a symbiotic relationship in which they exchange nutrients underground. And mushrooms break down the dead trees and plant matter into rich soil.

These additional metaphors aren't a stretch either. What happens between Desert and Forest? The world isn't binary and I think there we're some illustrations last time that showed two peaks/valleys. Yes the binary system illustrates the point better by drawing a contrast between the two environments, but may send the message that there are only two options. Besides, a well tended orchard will produce more fruit than a wild forest.

Secondly, mushrooms are the unsung heros of the tree world. There are parallels in the business world in which the metaphor lives. Who are these "business mushrooms" that have a symbiotic relationship with our forest/glade/orchard? Without them, your forest will quickly turn to desert!

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Analogies pushed too far are either great or horrible. Responding:

1. It's more than just "there's a range". There are two attractors (maybe others). So "in betweens" aren't stable. They tend to slide one way or the other. Yes, there's a range, but where are you going?

2. I once gave a whole talk on Permaculture & software development, so I agree there's more to this analogy. I don't know fungi that well, but I've seen their effects.

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Any chance sharing with us the talk? is it publicly available?

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Monetary transactions are usually the fountain of any economy driven "life". And as in any free trade the actors could be into bets, insurances, dividends... etc.

With 50+% product/feature discovery failure -as per researches from MS, and Google- Statistically speaking in our industry many bidders will loose! how they react towards failure decides the trajectory!

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This is the core idea (often missed) of the Agile Fluency Model by Diana Larsen and James Shore. They see 4+ zones, but not "each zone is better than the one before it" but "each zone has these costs to deliver these benefits." They advise the organization to decide which benefits it is willing to pay for.

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