Oh, nice one. Indeed, in a forest, usually the trees aren’t the resources by themselves, but rather the preconditions for those: they cast shadows and protect from heat, they hold the humidity, they provide possibilities to build a tree house.
Sometimes, managers decide to burn the trees. Return to the office, report daily on your progres…
Oh, nice one. Indeed, in a forest, usually the trees aren’t the resources by themselves, but rather the preconditions for those: they cast shadows and protect from heat, they hold the humidity, they provide possibilities to build a tree house.
Sometimes, managers decide to burn the trees. Return to the office, report daily on your progress, why didn’t you exactly what you were told, who is responsible for these mistakes. We need to reassemble the teams, more projects, smaller working groups, frequently changing. And so on.
Oh, nice one. Indeed, in a forest, usually the trees aren’t the resources by themselves, but rather the preconditions for those: they cast shadows and protect from heat, they hold the humidity, they provide possibilities to build a tree house.
Sometimes, managers decide to burn the trees. Return to the office, report daily on your progress, why didn’t you exactly what you were told, who is responsible for these mistakes. We need to reassemble the teams, more projects, smaller working groups, frequently changing. And so on.
Exactly! And those adaptation by managers are reasonable behavior in the desert. So the first thing to do is get a small group to:
Agree they want to be in the forest
Beginning planting & cultivating
Recruit more foresters