After an inspiring session with @BethCodes, I’ve resumed writing on the Tidy First? book. The way it’s going to work is that paid subscribers will get complete chapters (these are generally short in my writing style) as I complete them. From time to time I will post highlights for everybody, along with reflections on the writing process.
My goals are:
A highly-engaged community providing feedback to improve both style & content.
That same community prepared to promote the book once it is widely available.
A larger community (free subscribers) gaining value & spreading the word.
Incentives for me to see the whole process through.
If you have questions or comments on this process, please post them as questions on this post.
P.S. If your company markets to geeks & your marketing department is interested in a unique placement opportunity, please have them contact me about title & front page sponsorships. If you’re a CTO or VP Eng & you’d like me to bring your whole organization along for this ride, contact me for information about organizational subscriptions.